Earth Lodge Antigua Guatemala Boutique Rustic Luxury Resort and Wellness Center


Founded in 2005 by a young couple with big dreams, Earth Lodge was the first commercial property to be built on this mountain. The original owners put untold amounts of sweat and love into building the property, beginning by forging a road and engineering basic necessities like water and power. The farm resort was built cabin by cabin, avocado tree by avocado tree, continuously evolving into “that famous treehouse resort” in the not-so-far mountains just outside of Antigua Guatemala.

There came a time to pass the torch to a new guardian of this tropical mountain paradise, and in 2023 a family from the US with a passion for supporting the local community, good food, and exceptional travel experiences took on the challenge of caring for the land and the people who make up the Earth Lodge family.

After a busy year of remodelling and building exciting new features, Earth Lodge re-emerged with the same heart and same epic views of Antigua’s famous volcanoes, but with a whole new focus and mission: to be a place where everyone can experience wellness and joy in their own way.


Careful attention is given to every detail in order to provide the perfect setting for enjoying the beautiful tropical surroundings of our expansive mountain property; from the clean modern decor locally sourced for the renovated cabins, spa, and lodge, to the organic and eco-friendly soaps and bath products, which are safe and friendly for our greywater system which cycles the water into the surrounding plant life and finca.


With joy and wellness for all as the focus and guiding light for the resort, Earth Lodge is open to the public as well as overnight guests, and the 9 am community yoga class in the stunning studio overlooking the 3 volcanoes and the Panchoy Valley is open to all, rain or shine, 365 days a year. Visitors can experience wellness in a variety of ways, from simply walking barefoot in the grass, to detoxing with a traditional Temazcal (Mayan Sauna) and Ice Bath session. Others might find their version of joy and bliss with a massage, relaxing in a hidden hammock, or taking a meditative stroll on the forest bathing trail.

Earth Lodge Antigua Guatemala Organic Avocado Finca


A young up and coming chef with a background in Mayan permaculture joined the Earth Lodge family, with the mission of turning the restaurant into a world class farm-to-table experience, with a focus on bright tropical flavors, local artisan products, and plenty of options for all whether your vegan, gluten free, or a meat lover. You’ll find avocado featured in many dishes on the menu being that the property is also a working organic avocado farm. The menu also boasts rotating dishes based on which tropical fruits are locally in-season, craft beer made locally in Antigua, natural and organic wines, and creative tropical cocktails.





Wellness and joy come in many forms, and Earth Lodge hosts a wide variety of purpose-driven events that both travelers and the local community enjoy. Each event is uniquely crafted to experience life, vitality, and joy to its fullest, or to experience wellness in a whole new way. You’ll find a wide array of pop-up events at Earth Lodge such as ecstatic dances, cacao ceremonies, natural beauty workshops, natural wine and pizza nights, intimate electronic concerts, fireside acoustic sets, burlesque circus shows, and more.


The organic avocado farm at Earth Lodge is home to over 850 organic Hass avocado trees, which are fed compost from the kitchen – one of the many regenerative practices we deploy to live in harmony with the land. Guests can take a tour of the avocado farm or simply enjoy our delicious avocados in one of the many dishes featuring this ingredient on our menu. The main harvest season is December through February, so be sure to visit the restaurant during this time for our special seasonal Avocado Harvest Menu if you’re an avocado lover, or a “panza verde” as we say here in Guatemala! 


Whether visiting for the day or staying in one of our tree houses and cabins, when you come to Earth Lodge, you are part of our family. We look forward to sharing our zest for life, our passion for all things wellness, and our love of nature with you in our beautiful tropical mountain paradise!